About Us

About Vishnupriya Test Tube Baby & Endoscopy Centre

Dr.P.Vishnu Priya
M.D., DGO, M.R.M (Dubai)

Fertility Specialist DIP-ART (Germany)                                                                                       

Dr. P.Vishnu Priya is a leading IVF specialist and gynaecologist in Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh. She has a thriving experience of over 20 years in this field.

Dr.Vishnu Priya Test Tube Baby Center is one of the best service providers in fertility treatment. We aim to provide advanced Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) what is available globally. While India has considered a large upward quantity in the range of people opting for infertility treatments, the numbers are low in contrast to the couples truly requiring clinical treatment. One of the major causes of this is no proper guidance. People need to be made conscious of the fundamental idea that infertility is an ailment that has to be cured medically.

Dr.Vishnu Priya Test Tube Baby Center was launched with the commitment to offer standardized and ethical infertility treatment, as well as addressing the urgent need for an organized institutional provider for fertility treatment. In addition to providing core procedures such as IUI, IVF and andrology services, we offer several state-of-the-art technologies such as vitrification for preserving embryos and eggs, and ERA ( Endometrial Receptor Array) to find out the timing of the uterus capacity to accept embryos. While India has considered a large upward quantity in the range of people opting for infertility treatments, the numbers are low in contrast to the couples truly requiring clinical treatment.

We also offer an advanced techniques such as IMSI (Intracytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection) and ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection), where the embryologist carries out the fertilization of the oocytes (egg) the usage of an extraordinarily high-powered microscope to pick out the sperm cells with the first-class morphological quality. With the vast international expertise, we offer the same exceptional standard of processes, protocols and policies in Kurnool.
